BPSC Tre 3.0 Cut Off 2024, Previous Year PRT, TGT, PGT Cut-Off Marks

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) will release the BPSC Tre 3.0 Cut Off 2024 on its official website www.bpsc.bih.nic.in. The answer key will be released for subjects and categories for Class 1 to 5 (PRT), Class 9 & 10 (TGT), and Class 11 & 12 (PGT). Candidates who score more than the BPSC Yeacher cut-off marks are declared qualified in the BPSC Teacher Exam 2024. Candidates can get the Bihar Teacher Previous Year Cut-Off marks from the article.

BPSC Tre 3.0 Cut Off 2024

BPSC TRE 3.0 exam 2024 was successfully held on 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd July 2024. Based on different factors such as the paper’s difficulty level, the number of candidates taking the tests, and the number of vacancies etc BPSC has will released the BPSC Cut Off 2024 on its official portal of BPSC along with BPSC TRE 3.0 Result 2024. Candidates who appeared in the examination for Class 1 to 5 (PRT), Class 9 & 10 (TGT), and Class 11th & 12 (PGT) can check thier BPSC Cut Off Marks from the official website of BPSC

BPSC Teacher Previous Year Cut Off

Here, we are sharing BPSC Teacher Previous Year Cut-Off Marks which will help all the candidates to analyze their expected marks for this year. Go through the post wise and subjects wise BPSC Teacher Previous Year Cut Off from here.

BPSC Teacher Cut-Off 2023 for PRT, TGT, PGT

Bihar Teacher Cut-Off 2023 for PRT, TGT and PGT posts has been made available on the official website of the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC). Candidates who appeared in the BPSC Teacher Examination or Candidates who are preparing for the upcoming BPSC Teacher examination can check the cut-off to know the difficulty level of the examination. In the below table, we have provided the BPSC cut-off marks as per category for PRT (Class 1 to 5t), TGT (Class 9  &10), and PGT (Class 11 &12).

BPSC PRT Teacher Cut Off 2023 (Class 1 to 5)

BPSC PRT Cut Off 2023 for Class 1 to 5 Teachers exam has been released on the official website www.bpsc.bih.nic.in. This year, BPSC PRT teacher cut-off 2023 for the General category male candidates was 67 and 57 for female candidates. Candidates who appeared for the BPSC Teacher Examination for PRT (Class 1 to 5) can check the BPSC Cut Off 2023 for Class 1 to 5 from the below table. BPSC PRT Cut Off 2023 for Hindi, Urdu, and Bangla Subjects is mentioned below in the table.

BPSC PRT Teacher Cut Off 2023 (Class 1 to 5)
Category General Urdu Bangla
UR 67 54 62
UR (Female) 57 40 47
EWS 56 48 – / NA (not applicable)
EWS (Female) 48 39
EBC 55 47
EBC (Female) 44 39
BC 60 44
BC (Female) 50 39
SC 47 39
SC (Female) 39
ST 46 43
ST (Female) 39
BCL 48

BPSC TGT Teacher Cut Off 2023 (Class 9, 10)

BPSC has released the BPSC Teacher Cut-off 2023 for TGT (Class 9 & 10) on its official portal BPSC. In the below table, we have provided the category-wise BPSC TGT Cut Off 2023 for Hindi, Bangali, Urdu, English, Science, Mathematics, and other subjects from the below table.

BPSC TGT Teacher Cut Off 2023 (Class 9 &10)
Category Hindi Bengali Urdu Sanskrit Arabic Persian English Science Mathematics Social Science
UR 55 52 58 67 47 50 59 50 72 74
UR (Female) 51 60 49 51 67
EWS 48 50 60 48 48 58 70
EWS (Female) 39 45 42 39 39 39 62
EBC 41 53 43 43 41 57 68
EBC (Female) 39 40 39 39 39 58
BC 47 44 40 49 45 66 72
BC (Female) 40 39 39 63
SC 39 42 39 39 39 61
SC (Female) 47
ST 44 53 45 39 39 52
ST (Female)
BCL 42 43 61

BPSC PGT Teacher Cut Off 2023 (Class 11, 12)

BPSC PGT Teacher Cut Off 2023 for Class 11 and 12 (PGT) has been released on 25th October 2023 at www.bpsc.bih.nic.in. Candidates who appeared for the BPSC Teacher Examination for Class 11 & 12 can check BPSC PGT cut-off marks for Hindi, Urdu, Mathematics, Physics, Pali, and other subjects from the below table.

BPSC PGT Teacher Cut Off 2023 (Class 11 &12)
Category Hindi Urdu English Sanskrit Bengali Maithili Arabic Persian Pali Prakrit
UR 39 42 61 41 66 39 53 57 39
UR (Female)
EWS 48
EWS (Female) 40
EBC 41
EBC (Female) 39
BC 44
BC (Female) 39
SC 42
SC (Female) NA
ST 44
ST (Female) NA

BPSC PGT Teacher Cut Off 2023 (Class 11 & 12)

Category Maths Physics Chemistry Economics Geography Psychology Sociology Philosophy Political Home
UR 53 39 39 44 40 39 39 39 39 40
UR (Female) 39 41
EWS 48 39
EWS (Female)
EBC 41
EBC (Female)
BC 44
BC (Female)
SC 39
SC (Female)
ST (Female)

BPSC PGT Teacher Cut Off 2023 (Class 11 & 12)

Category Botany Zoology Accountancy Business
History Music Magahi Bhojpur
UR  39  57  65  61  40  63  70  39 66 58
UR (Female)  50  57  59  52  39
EWS  48  57  54  52  48
EWS (Female)  39  54  –  39  –
EBC  41  –  53  50  41
EBC (Female)  39  56  51  30  –
BC  45  45  56  57  44
BC (Female)  39  57  54  42  –
SC  39  49  39  39  41
SC (Female)  –  39  –  –  –
ST  47  –  39  39  48
ST (Female)  –  39  –  –  –
BCL  –  –  51  39  –

Factors Affecting BPSC Teacher Cut-Off 2023

There are several factors that affect the BPSC Teacher Cut-Off marks. The following are the factors that affect the cut-off marks-

  • The difficulty of the Exam: The difficulty of the exam plays a major role in deciding the cut-off. If the paper is tough, the cut-off will be more, and vice versa.
  • Total Vacancy: The total number of vacancies plays a major role in deciding the cut-off of the post. If there are more total vacancies, the BPSC Teacher Cut-Off 2023 will decrease and the cutoff will increase if there are limited vacancies.
  • Number of Candidates: The number of candidates appearing for the examination also has an impact on the cut-off. If there are more appeared candidates the competition level of examination will increase and cut-off will also increase and vice-versa.
  • Candidates’ Performance: The performance of the candidates in the examination plays an important role in deciding the BPSC Tre Cut Off 2023. If the candidate’s performance is well in the examination the Cut Off marks will increase and vice-versa.
  • Previous year’s cut off: The Cut Off also be based on the previous year’s cut off marks. It is thus essential to understand the previous year’s cut off to analyze the qualifying marks for the upcoming exam and the difficulty level of the examination.

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