Odisha Police Constable Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern, Subject-wise Topics

The Staff Selection Board (SSB), Odisha has released the official notification for Odisha Police Constable 2024 on 23rd September 2024. The official notification also contained a detailed syllabus for the Odisha Police Constable Exam 2024. The candidates registering for the exam must know the  Odisha Police Constable Syllabus 2024. The article contains a detailed discussion of both the syllabus and exam pattern is mentioned in the article.

Odisha Police Constable Syllabus 2024

The candidates should know the exam pattern and syllabus for all the stages of the exam to make a successful strategy. The Odisha Police Constable 2024 consists of 4 stages from which only the first stage i.e., the written exam has a syllabus assigned to it whereas the other three stages do not have a syllabus. The exam pattern is also assigned only to stage 1. Although, we will discuss each stage in detail below in the selection process.

Odisha Police Constable Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern 2024

The candidates should know the syllabus of stage 1 to clear it and move on to the next stage. Stage 1, The written exam of the Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 exam consists of exam carries 100 marks conducted for 2 hours. The Stage 1 exam is an MCQ-based exam conducted in offline mode in OMR sheets. The essential details for other stages along with some important dates are mentioned in the table below.

Odisha Police Constable Syllabus 2024- Overview
Name of the Examination Odisha Police Constable Exam 2024
Type of Exam OMR based
Driving Test (Optional)
Duration of the Exam 2 hours (Written Exam)
Maximum Exam 100 Marks (Written Exam)
5 Marks (Driving Test)
Selection Process MCQ-based Written Exam
Physical Efficiency & Physical Standard Test
Driving Test
Medical Test
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Question
Marking Scheme 1 mark is given for each right answer
Negative Marking 1/4 or 0.25 deducted for each wrong answer

Odisha Police Constable Selection Process 2024

For the selection of police constable, the candidates have to go through four stages, Stage 1 Written Exam, Stage 2 consists of a Physical Efficiency Test, Stage 3 Driving Test and Stage 4 is a Medical Test. Stage 1 carries 100 marks multiple choice questions, Stage 2 and Stage 4 is a qualifying exam and Stage 3 carries 5 marks. The final decision will be made if the candidate clears all the four stages. The stages for the Odisha Constable Exam 2024 are as follows.

  1. Written Exam (OMR Based): The written exam consisted of 100 marks, each right question carrying 1 mark and 0.25 marks deducted for every wrong answer.
  2. Physical Efficiency & Physical Standard Test: The PST & PET are qualifying exams. The candidates have to clear both the minimum height secured by SSB and minimum running and jumping with the set distance and time limit.
  3. Driving Test: This is an optional exam for candidates who can drive heavy and light vehicles each carrying 5 marks and 3 marks respectively.
  4. Medical Test: The test is conducted to see if the candidate is medically fit for the job or not.

Odisha Constable Exam Pattern 2024

The first exam for the Odisha Police Constable Exam 2024 will be an OMR-based exam that consists of 100 Questions of 100 marks each, and you have to finish all of these questions in 2 hours. The OMR-based exam consists of Odia language, English Language, Arithmetic, General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning, and Basic Computer Knowledge. Below is the detailed exam pattern for the Odisha Constable Exam 2024.

Odisha Police Constable Exam Pattern 2024 
Subject No. of Questions Maximum Marks  Duration
Odia Language 15 15 2 Hours
English Language 15 15
Arithmetic 20 20
General Knowledge 25 25
Logical Reasoning 15 15
Basic Computer Knowledge 10 10
Total 100 100

Odisha Police Constable Syllabus 2024

To make a successful strategy one needs to know the in-depth syllabus for all 6 subjects in Stage 1 of the Odisha Police Constable Exam 2024. The 6 subjects are  Odia Language, English Language, Arithmetic, General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning, and Basic Computer Knowledge. The detailed syllabus for each is as follows.

Odisha Police Constable Odia Language Syllabus 2024

The Odia Language test is designed to test the knowledge of the candidate in Odia. The detailed syllabus for Odia Language is as follows.

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Translation
  3. Idioms & Phrases
  4. Usage of Words
  5. Fill in the Blanks
  6. Vocabulary Test

Odisha Police Constable English Language Syllabus 2024

The English Language will test the English language abilities of the candidate’s the detailed syllabus for the exam is as follows.

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2.  Fillers
  3.  Tenses
  4. Adjectives
  5. Adverbs
  6. Prepositions
  7. Sentence Completion
  8. Antonym and synonym
  9. Paragraph Completion

Odisha Police Constable Arithmetic Syllabus 2024

The Arithmetic syllabus of stage 1 consists of topics that will judge the candidate’s arithmetic knowledge the detailed syllabus of which is as follows.

  1. Simplification
  2. Problems with H.C.F and L.C.M
  3. Ratio and Proportion
  4. Banker’s Discount
  5. Partnership
  6. Decimal Fraction
  7. Pipes and Cistern
  8. Time and Distance
  9. Allegation or Mixture
  10. Compound Interest
  11. Simple Interest
  12. Area
  13. Volume and surfaces
  14. Height and Distances
  15. Time and Work
  16. Boats and Streams
  17. Probability

Odisha Police Constable Logic Reasoning Syllabus 2024

The `logic reasoning syllabus tests the logical reasoning abilities of the candidate, the detailed syllabus is as follows.

  1. Verbal and Non–Verbal types of reasoning
  2. Similarities
  3. Differences
  4. Space visualizations
  5. Problem-Solving
  6. Analysis
  7. Decision Making
  8. Judgment
  9. Visual Memory
  10. Observations
  11. Relationships
  12. Concepts

Odisha Police Constable General Knowledge Syllabus 2024

The General Knowledge syllabus of stage 1 consists of topics that will judge candidates General knowledge the detailed syllabus of which is as follows.

  1. Environment
  2. Current Affairs
  3. Indian History
  4. Polity
  5. Constitution
  6. Sports
  7. Art and Culture
  8. Indian Geography
  9. Economics
  10. Everyday Science
  11. Scientific Research
  12. National/International Organizations

Odisha Police Constable Basic Computer Knowledge Syllabus 2024

The Basic computer section checks the computer knowledge of the candidates, the list of each topic in the syllabus is listed below.

  1. Basics of Computer
  2. Generations
  3. Recent Updates
  4.  History of Computer
  5. Languages
  6. Input and Output Devices
  7. Networking

Odisha Police Constable PET and PST Details

PET & PST for the Constable exam are just qualifying exams, they consist of no marks. The candidates need to know the specifics of the PST and PET before filling out the application form. PST consisted of  few physical standards needs that candidates should have and PET consisted of few physical task that every candidate should complete.

For Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

The Physical Efficiency Test (PET) consists of few physical task that is mandatory for every  candidate again its is just a qualifying exam no marks will be given for it. The PET includes running for 1.6 km and jumping.

Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Event For Male Candidates
Running  1.6 Km in 6 minutes 30 seconds
Broad jump 3.66 Meters in 03 attempts

For Physical Standard Test PST Details

Physical Standard Test include few physical parameters like height, chest size, and weight. Each minimum physical standard should be met. The details for the PST is as follows.

Minimum height requirement for candidates

Category For Male Candidates
UR&SEBC 168cm
SC/ST(MEN) 163cm

Minimum Weight requirement for candidates

Category For Male Candidates
UR&SEBC 55 Kilogram
SC/ST(MEN) 56 Kilogram

Minimum Chest requirement for candidates


For Male Candidates
Un-expanded Expanded
UR&SEBC 76cm 84cm
SC/ST(MEN) 75cm 81cm


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